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Ambrosia and Opal apples and tree-ripened Tucker Farms Satsumas.

I am happy to have again scored the 1st of the season, tree-ripened "Tucker's Farm" Satsumas. They are the small ones with some good citrus tart sweetness. I hope to be switching to stem and leaf Satsumas next week.

It's apple season so I continue with an excellent two-fer of Opal and Ambrosia apples. Ambrosias were "discovered" by accident growing in an orchard in British Columbia in 1990. We choose only top quality premium WA extra-fancy apple grade for all your deliveries. Because a mealy, tasteless apple is a big "no-no".

I'm also including some excellent "Scarlett Royal" seedless red grapes. They are smaller and pack a crunchy punch. You'll see the usual Rainforest Alliance certified green-tip bananas too.

Our $49 customers will see Ambrosia and Opal apples, Tucker Farm Satsumas and green-tip bananas.

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