7 Easy, Healthy and Delicious Lunches to Bring to Work

You've got a lot to worry about in the morning:
What am I wearing?
What work do I need to finish before going in?
Why is my hair doing that thing? WHERE'S THE COFFEE???
Unsurprisingly, in all that bustle, you may have forgotten to put a lunch together. Or, maybe you were just planning to eat at the chain sandwich spot again.
It's time to knock those habits and save yourself some money and calories by bringing your own yummy lunch that you can make in minutes. We've rounded up seven of the easiest-to-make, most delicious packable lunches that will have you eating healthy at work in no time.
Every single bite of this sandwich tastes sinful, but it's a surprisingly healthy choice! After you've gathered the ingredients, it just takes a quick mix and voila! You're good to go. Note: The right bread/bun make or break this! Try it on a pretzel bun if you're feeling fancy :)

A perfect mix of spices, veggies and chicken make these fajita bowls a major power move for a grab-and-go lunch. A little bit of meal prep on the weekends can yield up to 4 days worth of lunches. If you eat this good for 4 days, we agree with this author–you've earned the right to treat yourself on Friday!

A hearty, clean and flavorful lunch that's perfect for meal prepping. This recipe calls for classic taco bowl fare (e.g. corn, cilantro, beans), but we encourage you to be as creative with this bowl as your palate desires!

Want to love bringing salads to work? Add this one to your repertoire and look forward to eating salads for lunch again! Believe it or not, this baoony, garlicky, savory chicken salad is a paleo AND Whole 30-friendly recipe.

Meet your new favorite go-to meal when you're in a pinch for time or just in the mood for a protein-packed treat. The creaminess of the avocado is contrasted by the brightness of the. lemon. This Paleo-friendly recipe is guilt-free solo or with carrots, but also tastes great with toast or crackers.

This is the right recipe for beginning chefs! Shrimp cook very quickly and take very little skill to get right. This recipe calls for a sweet chili paste pairing that we think sounds dynamite. Use corn tortillas to keep this recipe gluten free.

Clean, easy and simple ingredients compose this simple, clean and easy dish! The ingredients speak the loudest with these noodles, which makes it a perfect addition to a yummy protein, veggies or by itself.

Get The Whole Office to #EatHealthyAtWork!
It doesn't have to stop at your lunch. Do your team and yourself a favor by getting fresh fruit delivered to the office. Try us free, no strings attached.